
We do not require any money from anyone, neither real, nor in electronic form, nor in any other equivalent!

We accept all your contributions only if you want to help the project. As a thank you, we award you bonus points, which can be used to purchase goods in the WEB-showcase or to receive additional services.

All funds will be used to support and develop the project, as well as to pay for hosting services, etc.

Remember that you are helping the project, not the administration!

After purchasing Tactical points, you can spend them in our game store, which is located in the game client.

Paypal Email:

Discord: NixTurn

Discord: TruxY

10€ Tactical Package

1.200 Tactical Point.

20€ Tactical Package

3.000 + 500 bonus (3.500) Total Tactical Point, + 1x Free Costume Weapon your Choice..

40€ Tactical Package

12.000 + 3.000 bonus (15.000) Total Tactical Point, + 1x Gear Costume your Choice..

80€ Tactical Package

25.000 + 7.000 bonus (32.000) Total Tactical Point, + Free Costume your choice + 1 Free Costume Weapon your Choice..

120€ Tactical Package

40.000 + 10.000 bonus (50.000) Total Tactical Point, + Free Costume your choice + 1 Free Costume Weapon your Choice + 2x Full Double and Plus Recreated Runes.